Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What the Hell am I doing Here? This is my first blog & am pretty excited about it. Well, there's too many things has happened in my life recently, that I feel I need space & channel to express myself. After all my Good friends a.k.a Alfiah gang has been saying i'm a man of "no expression". So yeah, i guess this is a good start to uncover the gems & debris that lies in me. Enjoy reading^^
Who is Adifazely? Well, i'm the type of guy that hardly have personal time for myself. Basically because i'm literally working 7 days per week & 1 day off on every alternate weeks. No life huh? Not really in my point of view. As long as i am enjoying the things i do in life, i have no regrets. So what am i doing now? I have a full-time job (office hour), part-time job (weekend heroe), part-time study at MDIS (Mass Communication), taekwondo practice at JH Kim Institute & taking up bike licence soon. How do i cope? Simply by pushing myself to my maximum. Each of the things i've planned to pursue means alot to me. My only concern is, at times i would lose focus & tend to take unnecessary break for myself. And this is bad for any Ambitious person.
Love Life? I'm deeply in love with Chipmunk. This is my first Love & i have to admit, things are not going easy for me at times. Be it i'm in love with the right person or not, it is worth to experience & explore. Every pain i've encountered so far has break me into pieces. But everytime when i managed to recover the pain & pushed myself to polish my imperfections, i find that i'm becoming a wiser & stronger person. It is kind of Self-improvement for myself. Hopefully, Chipmunk allows me to stay longer in this "Ship".
This is just my introduction for now. I would very soon update my blog once i'm back from a gOod jog. Need to clear those headaches away after my slideshow didnt manage to pop-out. Argh.. technical problems. Till then, keep up with the updates & would appriciate much if you guys would drop-in comments. Ciaoz for now.